Friday, January 31, 2020

Laying Out Ribs & Bolt Holes on Upper Spars

 My first task is to layout all the Rib Locations and Hole Locations, in pencil, on the spars.  I wanted to work on all the upper spars as a group so I could see that they match.  They all fit nicely on the table saw and the roller stands.

 To make sure I get everything located correctly I marked the ends of all the spars and the faces.  The aft spars are more obvious but the forward spars rectangles and easy to mix up the orientation.  I stuck a sticky to mark the lower edge at the root end, just to help visualize what I was doing.

 All the bolt hole and routed areas are on the spar drawings but the rib locations and root attachment holes are only on the wing assembly drawings.
 I started with the rib locations.  To make sure the measurements didn't creep as I moved down the spar all the locations were recalculated from the root end.  The 1/4" thick root rib covers the spar ends so the start spars is 1/4" in from the start of the wing dimensions. 

To double check my calculations I measured each rib spacing after marking it using the tape measure from the root.

As I worked down the spars I kept the drawing positioned on the current location to help make sure I used the correct spacing.

 With the centers located, edge lines were drawn for each rib.
 I drew the rib locations on the between the spar surfaces since those are the faces I'll use installing the ribs, the forward face of the aft spar and the aft face or the forward spar.

I drew one spar at a time using the first spar to see if I made any errors.  I actually found a small error on the first spar when I did the second.  The width of the rib was wrong on one location.

With all the ribs located I moved to the spar drawing and located all the bolt hole.  Not all the holes are the same between the forward and aft spars.  I also marked to hole sizes for each to help assure I don't ruin a spar by drilling the wrong size hole.

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