Sunday, June 14, 2020

Lower Left Wing - First Wing Tip Bow Lamination Glued On

 The wing tip bow is laminated from 4 pieces of spruce 1 1/8" wide x 3/16" thick.  I have an original from the lower wing on the same side so it's a good guide to how the bow was shaped and attached.

I used it to work out preliminary marks for trimming the spars and nose blocks on the last rib. I clamped the carpenter square to the solid rib and marked where the bow crosses it at the widest point.
 Using those marks I pulled the first bow to shape.  There is a small clamp on the bottom of the square acting as a stop for the widest point and one at the trailing edge that the wood passes through to hold that end.  This is probably about how they worked out the original tip shape since the wood naturally bends to this shape.

This gives me a guide to start trimming the the spars, etc. with the coping saw and band file.

 The wood strip is resting on the outside of the screw part of the clamp on the square.

At the trailing edge I used a 1 1/2" clamp so there is just room for the strip to nicely pass through the "C" of the clamp.

The old bow ends against the outboard face of the second light rib in from the tip.

 The Leading Edge wood ends at the first light rib in from the tip.  The inner 3 laminations of the tip bow are glued to the back of the leading edge wood between the 2 ribs.  The outer lamination is spliced to the leading edge with about a 10:1 joint.

To make room for the 3 layers to pass behind the leading edge I've notched the rib and will add some blocks when the glue is dry on the first lamination.

 This became a process of grind the spars, etc. so they are close, then check the fit, and repeat. 

I left the trailing edge joint until I had the others all worked out.

 The clamps on the ends of the spars just hold the wood strip from moving up or down, off the end of the spar.

Once the rest of the strip was fitted, I trimmed the aft end of the solid compression rib to fit the lamination.

I've glued, nailed and clamped the first lamination in place.  When the glue is set I'll add a few more glue blocks and then the other laminations and the leading edge.

There is a rib that goes in here and gets somewhat built to fit, and some bracing sticks in the middle of the bow.

It keeps looking more like a wing.

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