Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Lower Left Wing - Tip Bow Laminations 2 and 3

 When I installed the blocks for the plywood at the nose of the wing walk I said I would add 2 more blocks after the leading edge was on.  These blocks tie the leading edge to the nose structure better than the glue joint at the ends of the ribs.  I don't want someone stepping on the leading edge and knocking it loose.  They were much easier to install now that things can't move around.
 I still have one more lamination to add to the stack.  I did it this way so I can glue the overlap, between tip and leading edge, after the glue dries between these 3 laminations.

I put a piece of waxed paper between the L.E and tip bow so they wouldn't accidentally get glued together.  This way I can clamp the laminations tight then come back and make sure the 2 are well aligned when I glue them together.  Things slide so easily with glue on them.

To get the aft end of the bow clamped tight there is an arrow shaped block sliding against the small clamp.  That way the big clam has parallel surfaces to squeeze against and not just slide off.

There are still some braces and the smaller tip rib to install.

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